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Archive | Baking & Dessert

Extreme Vegan Makeover: Sweet and Savory Hamentashen Edition

It’s Purim and even though I am baking-challenged, I decided to try and make Hamentashen. And not just any Hamentashen: Vegan and gluten-free Hamentashen. Purim has always been my favorite Jewish holiday. It’s one of the few happy holidays and as I recall, the only one where you get to sit in the synagogue and […]

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Extreme Vegan Makeover: Spicy Chile Cheeze Corn Muffin Edition

I love watching cooking shows and reading food magazines but when I began my weight loss plan, I had to learn how to make lower-calorie, healthier versions of the recipes. They needed to be “Weight Watcherized,” if you will. That meant using low-fat or fat-free versions of ingredients, cutting the amounts of oil in half […]

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