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Snap Cup

“Snap Cup Time, Snap Cup Time. Gather ye round friends and foe together united and bound. Pass it to your neighbor instead of blowing up and we’ll find harmony and love in the old Snap Cup.”

In the movie, “Legally Blonde,” Reese Witherspoon’s character, Elle Woods, tries to bring people together by using a Snap Cup. Whenever people are arguing or feeling down, the Snap Cup can unite them or make them feel better. Everyone writes down a compliment or something nice about someone else and puts the piece of paper in the Snap Cup. Then the uplifting messages are read aloud. This Snap Cup is for all the people who have nice things to say about The “V” Word as well as awards, affirmations and accolades. I feel better already 🙂


First Site Guide

The lovely people at First Site Guide have written a free guide, “Starting a Blog” and have named The “V” Word as one of the “Best Vegan Blogs.” We are honored! The guide is a great resource so download your FREE copy today!


Heart of a Vagabond

Thank you to Yara at Heart of a Vagabond for including The “V” Word in her list of the Top 50 Most Influential Vegan Facebook Profiles . What a lovely honor. Yara has a very interesting story and a great web site. Check it out at


The Artistic Vegan

Thank you to Crista in sunny San Diego who runs the blog, The Artistic Vegan. She wrote a lovely post singing the praises of my Vegan, Gluten-Free Spicy Italian Sausage. I’m so glad she and her hubby loved them. Read more here:


To V or Not To V

The “V” Word got a lovely shout-out from my friend Janne who writes the blog, To V or Not To V. Read the compliment here

Thanks Janne!


Eat Healthy: Live Longer, Live Kinder by Dr. Andrew Cort

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My friend, Dr. Andrew Cort, has written a book about eating healthier and kinder with a plant-based diet. He has included 10 of my vegan recipes in the book. Pick up a copy from Amazon:

as a Paperback here

or as a Kindle here


 Uncruel: A Kind Heart in a Cruel, Cruel World

Uncruel just posted the loveliest blog post about The “V” Word. I am so honored by it. It always makes me feel good to know someone notices what I do and that I make a difference. Make sure to follow Uncruel to read more. Here’s the article:



The Peace Patch Blog


The Peace Patch : Veganizing the World One Day at a Time is such a great blog! Everyday they celebrate a food holiday – National Cupcake Day or National Blueberry Scone Day – and they do it by highlighting a different blog each day. That’s such a wonderful way to give exposure to the many blogs out there trying to spread the yummy vegan word.

I was honored to be chosen on National Artichoke Day! I didn’t even realize I had that many recipes with artichokes in them…but I do love ’em. Thank you for honoring me, The Peace

Check out the article here: and subscribe to follow The Peace Patch where everyday is a vegan holiday!


Jewish News


Jewish News, a newsletter from Arizona, featured The “V” Word’s suggestions for a vegan Passover. From reading this newsletter, the Jewish community in Arizona seems so wonderful, I was ready to pack my bags. The article is here:

——————————————————————————————— – Top 50 Vegan Blogs of 2013


The “V” Word is so honored to have made this list on  We are in some seriously good company.

Read more:

———————————————————————————————– Animal Rights – VeganMoFo 2013

The “V” Word gets a shout-out from Animal Rights writer Doris Lin. She says we are one of her favorite blogs. Doris is one of our favorite writers. What a coincidence! 🙂

Read more:


Skinny Scoop – Top 25 Vegan Blogs of 2013


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I still can’t get over this one! My wonderful followers worked so hard nominating and voting to make The “V” Word the #1 Vegan Blog of 2013 on Skinny Scoop. It was the perfect way to celebrate The “V” Word’s 4th birthday and new web site. I love my V-Gang! They’re the best!! <3

Read more:


Your Daily Vegan – The “V” Word: Get it. Cook it. Eat it.

Your Daily Vegan loved the idea of my offering a preview of The “V” Word Cookbook in the form of a free e-book.

Read more:


The Liebster Awards



During my very first participation in VeganMoFo, I was honored greatly from my peers by winning an award from someone (actually, THREE) in this wonderful community! Don’t Fear the Vegan, a blog that is also doing the alphabet theme (because great Vegan minds think alike),Lisa is Raw on $10 a Day and The Tie-Dye Files bestowed the honor of The Liebster Award upon me.

Read more:


Bitchin’ Kitchen – Recipe Contest

Woo Hoo! Bitchin” Kitchen, the amazingly fun cooking show on The Cooking Channel starring Nadia G., held a recipe contest. Five people would have their recipes chosen and included in Nadia G.’s second cookbook, Cookin’ for Trouble.

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AND I WON! Out of the hundreds of recipes that were submitted, Nadia G. made and loved my Tofu Piccata. My vegan and gluten-free dish in a mainstream cookbook. Way to represent!!

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Buy the book here:


Native Foods Cafe – A Whole Lotta Tofu Piccata

I was thrilled to see that someone from the Native Foods Cafe tried my Tofu Piccata recipe and documented the whole experience on their blog.

Read more:


Vegan Etsy – Pop-pop-poppers: Thanks to Rhea and The “V” Word

My Jalapeno Poppers got a shout-out from Vegan Etsy! Woo Hoo!

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————————————————————————————————— – Jalapeno Poppers

Another shout-out for my Jalapeno Poppers from the one and only Erik Marcus. I’m honored!

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