I’ve been working on this e-book for over 2 years and it’s finally done. Every Chanukah and then every Rosh Hashanah, I’d plan to have this book done but things came up and life got busy. Yesterday when I sat down to write my articles for One Green Planet, their web site was down and […]
Archive | Rosh Hashanah
VeganMoFo #19: Vegan Products I Love – More on The Vegg Baking Mix
I already reviewed The Vegg Baking Mix last week and shared a recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies. Since writing that post, I used The Vegg Baking Mix to make Challah and Challah Rolls for Rosh Hashanah. Well, the Challah is for Rosh Hashanah tonight but the rolls were for last night. They were the softest, […]
VeganMoFo #18: Gluten-Free Pumpkin Challah Rolls with a Few Vegan Products
In this last week of VeganMoFo, I’m posting recipes and they probably use some vegan products I can give a shout-out to. It’s a little detour from my theme of highlighting vegan products because tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah and I wanted to get in a few holiday-specific recipes. Be sure to check out my Rosh […]
VeganMoFo #17: Potato and Onion Kugel with Sauteed Apples Done 2 Ways
Today is a bit of a departure from my VeganMoFo theme because I am not reviewing any products. However, it’s still another post about delicious vegan food with a recipe so I’m sure it counts. Rosh Hashanah is almost upon us. If you are planning a big dinner for your friends and family, you will […]
VeganMoFo Day #6: Sweet Dessert Challah with Chocolate Drizzle
Today winds up the first week of VeganMoFo 2013. VeganMoFo is the amazing celebration of vegan food where hundreds and hundreds of bloggers commit to posting about delicious vegan food everyday for a month. Check out some of the fabulous participating blogs. Rosh Hashanah is just about over and I’ve got one more […]
VeganMoFo Day #3: Happy New Year: Rosh Hashanah Recipes 5774
Today is the 3rd day of VeganMoFo, the month of vegan food. Since tomorrow night is Rosh Hashanah, I thought I would update the menu from last year. There are some very important new additions!!! Tomorrow night begins one of the holiest holidays in the Jewish religion: Rosh Hashanah or Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah means “head of […]
Gluten-Free and Vegan Challah
It took months and months and a gazillion attempts but I finally succeeded in making a delicious gluten-free and vegan challah. And just in time for Rosh Hashanah which is less than 2 weeks away. Mazel Tov! I was very excited when I came up with a recipe for vegan challah. It was light, […]
Vegan Challah
When I was a little kid, I used to make challah with my mother. This was a big deal. My mother didn’t let anyone help in the kitchen – we just got in the way and would do everything wrong anyway. But making challah was something she and I did together. She would rip open […]
Happy New Year: Rosh Hashanah Menu for 5773
Tonight begins one of the holiest holidays in the Jewish religion: Rosh Hashanah or Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanah means “head of the new year” and is observed for 2 days beginning on the 1st of Tishrei, the first day of the Jewish calendar. It is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve and […]