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Black Bean Brownies

Please note: my own recipe for Chocolate Peanut Butter Black Bean Brownies are now posted here.
These are not my recipe.

Thanksgiving dinner is over and I know you’re probably stuffed full of delicious, vegan goodness. You’re on Day 2 of leftovers and you swear you’re not eating again until Christmas. But if you’ve got just a little bit of room left somewhere in your tummy, you MUST try these incredible Black Bean Brownies.

Yes, I said brownies made out of black beans. No flour, no eggs, no dairy, no gluten. Just chocolatey, rich, ooey-gooey decadence. And so simple to make, you can whip these up whenever you have the urge for something that only tastes sinful.

This is NOT my recipe. This recipe was generously shared by my friend Jess on Facebook and she also generously granted me permission to share it here (thanks Jess!).

I made my Black Bean Brownies into a pie because my square baking pan was otherwise in use (for my cornbread) and all I had left was a round pie pan. Different shape, same deliciousness. And remember, I don’t even like chocolate or dessert but I love these!

And the best part? Serve them to your kids, to your husband, to your company but don’t tell them about the black beans! Let them ooh and aah over how incredibly chocolately they taste and then, if you want, hit them with the truth and watch their reactions: What? Black beans? Like in enchiladas? Huh? Nah, you’re joking! Can I have another one? 🙂

Black Bean Brownies


2 cups cooked black beans or 1-15 oz can
3/4 cup banana or apple sauce (I used banana)
1/3 cup melted vegan butter
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup sugar or 1/2 cup agave (I used 1/2 cup raw turbinado sugar and 1/3 cup agave)
1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts (optional)


Blend all ingredients except the chocolate chips and walnuts, if using, until smooth. Pour the batter into a greased 8″x8″ glass baking dish. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top and work them into the batter. Same for walnuts, if using. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes. Let cool. Transfer to the refrigerator so it can set better and taste even richer. Cut into squares. Enjoy!

The “V” Word: Say it. Eat it. Live it.

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8 Responses to Black Bean Brownies

  1. Rhea Parsons January 24, 2013 at 8:16 am #

    Sorry to hear that Katie. I don’t know why it worked for me. I should make my own version. Like I wrote, this is not my recipe. I’m gonna make my own.

  2. Katie January 24, 2013 at 8:01 am #

    Mine just came out of the oven as liquid as well. I was craving these and the house smells amazing, I am so bummed. I also use bananas, drained and rinsed the black beans… hm, maybe I’ll leave them in the oven longer? Disappointed :o(

  3. Rhea Parsons January 21, 2012 at 2:40 pm #

    Hi Woodsymama – I made the brownies exactly like the recipe says, the way it was given to me (like I wrote, it’s not my recipe) and it came out great. I ALWAYS drain and rinse canned beans to get that starchy liquid and canned taste off them. I don’t know what happened with yours. Sounds too wet for some reason – too much liquid, too much banana? I’m not sure. As I recall when I made them, the batter was thick to begin with. I hope you try again and have better luck!

  4. woodsymama January 21, 2012 at 1:23 pm #

    Help! I made these tonight and they never firmed up – even after long chilling. They are like a very tasty intense fudge sauce that requires being eaten with a spoon. Would be awesome on ice-cream. Why didn’t they form brownies? I drained the canned beans off & followed the directions exactly. Is there possibly an ingredient missing from the recipe? They are so yummy, I really want to be able to make brownies that taste like this.

  5. woodsymama January 21, 2012 at 10:53 am #

    Are the beans drained & rinsed or straight out of the can with liquid?

  6. Rhea Parsons November 28, 2011 at 3:33 am #

    Thanks veganelder, no, I’m not a huge chocolate fan. I’m a salty, crunchy girl. But there are exceptions like these brownies and raw gelato in chocolate hazelnut – but I still like vanilla better 🙂

  7. veganelder November 27, 2011 at 10:59 pm #

    I gotta give these a try! Thanks for posting this…even though you don’t like chocolate?

  8. Anonymous November 27, 2011 at 8:33 am #

    ur r very welcome! I love helping other vegans 🙂 it makes me very happy lol

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